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There is nothing sweeter than a juicy, red ripe strawberry!  Whether you want to make a dessert, salad, or just enjoy them whole, they are the perfect treat.  With about 60 acres of strawberries, we plant and harvest over a million plants each spring.  Packed with vitamins, fiber, and particularly high levels of antioxidants these Keto-friendly berries a a guilt-free snack.


Each spring we invite the public to U-Pick Strawberries days!  Click here to learn more.  We also encourage you to stop in at our market for our homemade strawberry ice cream, strawberry short cake, or strawberry bread!

Can't get enough strawberries between April-June.  That's okay, we love them too!  We now have WINTER BERRIES!  Harvested between the months of December to February,  these berries are a labor of love as we take extra care of them.  We cover the individual rows on the cold nights and mornings to protect them from freezing temperatures.  They are a little taste of spring and are perfect for those holiday cakes and chocolate covered strawberries in February!

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